Regulament concurs
International Festival and Piano Competition „Alma Cornea Ionescu”
21st edition | 16-21 may 2024
Timisoara, Romania
Competition Terms
The competition is open to all music school students from the 1st to the 12th grade as well as university students. It takes place in one session and comprises two sections:
Section A – School of pre-university education
A.1 1st grade
A.2 2nd grade
A.3 3rd grade
A.4 4th grade
A.5 5th grade
A.6 6th grade
A.7 7th grade
A.8 8th grade
A.9 9th grade
A.10 10th grade
A.11 11th grade
A.12 12th grade
Section B – University education
B.1 first and second year students – bachelor studies
B.2 students years III-IV- bachelor studies
B.3 master students
The repertory for categories A.1-A.12 includes: Two pieces of different styles
The repertory for categories B.1-B.3 includes: One or more pieces, provided they fit within the maximum time allowed
The duration of the repertoire presentation in the competition must not exceed:
Categories A.1-A.4: 8 minutes
Categories A.5-A.8: 15 minutes
Categories A.9-A.12: 20 minutes
Category B.1: 15 minutes
Category B.2: 20 minutes
Category B.3: 25 minutes
All the works will be performed from memory. The program mentioned in the registration form cannot be changed. The members of the jury will be personalities from the music education in the participating regions, university and vocational high school teachers, with a rich soloist and pedagogical activity, recognized at international level. The jury will designate the prizes for each category. The Jury’s decisions are final.
For each category the first, second and third prizes, mentions and special awards will be granted.
First Prize 97-100 points
Second Prize 94-96 points
Third Prize 90-93 points
Honorable mentions 85-89 points
This Google form is available until 6th of may. After that date, you will receive an accommodation form.
• Prof. dr. Dorgo Mădălina – Head of Piano Department, Highschool of Art “Ion Vidu” Timisoara, Project manager
+4 0722 136 594
• Prof. Turcu Remus – Communication Department
• Prof. dr. Popa Elena – Project coordinator