Informații utile

Săli de studiu / Practice rooms

ARAD – 11 (parter / ground floor)
BÉKÉS – 14 (parter / ground floor)
BUDAPEST – 21 (parter / ground floor)
CLUJNAPOCA – 14 (parter / ground floor)
DEVA – 32, 33 (etajul 1 / 1st floor)
LUGOJ – 7 (parter / ground floor)
PANČEVO – 10 (parter / ground floor)
SZEGED – 13 (parter / ground floor)
VRŠAC – 14 (parter / ground floor)

Programare testare pian sala mare

Stimați participanți,
Probarea pianului din sala de concurs mihai perian se va realiza în afara orelor de concurs și în timpul pauzelor de deliberare.
Vă mulțumim!

Dear competitors, piano testing in the mihai perian hall will be done outside the competition hours and during the jury breaks.
Thank you!

Programare repetitii Sala de concurs

Detalii în curând…

Rezervare prânz la cantina școlii

Competitors have the possibility to take lunch at the School’s Cantina, situated next to the school’s building. The price is 10 euro/person.
It includes:

  • Soup
  • Main course
  • Desert

There in NOT the possibility to choose a vegetarian/lactose free menu.
The reguest to serve lunch must be specified in the Subscription form of the Competition. The payement will be done at least 1 day BEFORE the requested lunch.